Write for Us – Submit a Guest Post – Technology

Write for us

Thank you for your interest in contributing to our website! We welcome guest posts from passionate writers to write for us who are knowledgeable in various fields, including technology, digital marketing, anime, gaming, electronics, software tools, SEO, Fintech, NFT, Web 3.0, etc. By submitting a guest post, you have the opportunity to share your expertise and insights with our audience and get do follow backlink back to your blog or profile.

Submit Technology Guest Post with Following Guidelines

To ensure the quality and relevance of the content on our website, we have established the following guidelines for guest posts:

  • Fresh and Research-Based Content: We encourage you to create original, well-researched articles that offer valuable information to our readers. Your content should be up-to-date, engaging, and provide unique perspectives.
  • SEO-Friendly Approach: Incorporate SEO-friendly keywords in the title, meta description, introduction, and headings of your article. This helps improve visibility and reach a wider audience.
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): At the end of your blog post, include 3 to 5 FAQs related to the topic. This adds value to the readers’ experience and encourages further engagement.
  • Original Content: Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. Please ensure that your submission is entirely original and not published elsewhere. We utilize tools like Copyscape to verify the authenticity of the content.
  • Grammar and Language: We expect guest posts to be well-written and free of grammatical errors. Please proofread your content thoroughly before submitting it to us.
  • Manual Content Policy: We strictly prohibit AI-generated content on our blog, so please don’t waste your time submitting content that you have generated using ChatGPT, Google Bard, Jasper, or any other AI tool.
  • Non-Republishing Agreement: Once your guest post is published on our website, you agree not to republish it elsewhere. We value unique content and maintaining its exclusivity for our readers.
  • Familiarity with Our Website: Before selecting a topic, we encourage you to explore our website extensively. Familiarize yourself with the content we publish, our target audience, and the subjects that resonate well with our readers.
  • External Links: We will accept one external backlink in one guest post.
  • Content length: We will not accept the guest post with less than 800 words.

If you are ready to submit your guest post, please send it to contact.techwithamar@gmail.com along with a brief author bio. Our team will review your submission and respond to you within 15 working days regarding the status of your article.

Benefits of Write for Us on our blog

We only accept two guest posts per blog. But if you are a content writer, or freelancer, and want to contribute as a contributing author with regular posts that can help you increase your visibility, you are welcome, please mentions the same in the mail. 

What do we accept?

You can explore the following keywords to contribute to a guest post on our website.

  • Technology write for us
  • Digital marketing write for us
  • Anime written for us
  • Gaming write for us
  • Electronics write for us
  • Software tools write for us
  • SEO write for us
  • Fintech write for us
  • NFT write for us
  • Web 3.0 write for us

We appreciate your interest in contributing to our website and look forward to receiving your well-crafted guest post! Should you have any further questions or inquiries, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.